EuroPython 2016

Valerio Maggio

Valerio Maggio
Do...or do not! There is no try.
Technical interests
Cython, Deep Learning, Scientific Libraries (Numpy/Pandas/SciKit/...), Data Science, Machine-Learning
Fondazione Bruno Kessler - MPBA
Job title
Data Scientist
Compact biography

Valerio Maggio has a Ph.D. in Computational Science from the University of Naples “Federico II” and he is currently a Postdoc researcher in the FBK – MPBA team. His research interests are mainly focused on Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Big Data Analysis. Valerio is very much involved in the scientific Python community. Currently he uses Python as the mainstream language for his machine learning code, making an intensive use of Scikit-learn and Matplotlib to crunch, munge, and analyse experimental data. Valerio is an active member of the Italian Python community, and the lead organiser of the PyData Italy conferences,held in Florence on 2015 and 2016. He also enjoys playing basketball and drinking tea.