EuroPython is organized by the EuroPython Workgroups (WGs), reporting directly to the EuroPython Society Board. This page will list all the workgroups and their members to highlight their involvement with the EuroPython 2016 conference.
Speaking of involvement: We can always use more help. If you’re interested, please go to the EuroPython Workgroups (WGs) page and follow the instructions there to get signed up. Many thanks !
On-site Team WG
One of the workgroups, the on-site team workgroup, is especially important, since they provide the services and management on-site in Bilbao, as well as in the case of EuroPython 2016, also take on a major role in the financial and legal infrastructure of the conference organization.
This team is your contact in case you have questions related to on-site setups.
- Oier Echaniz Beneitez (Chair)
- Borja Ayerdi Vilches
- Darya Chyzhyk
- Ion Marqués
- José David Nuñez
- Alexandre Savio
- Luis Javier Salvatierra
Conference Administration WG
Manages and organizes the administration side of the conference, in particular: contracts, venue contact, ticket support, satellite conferences, legal support, insurance, licensing.
- Marc-Andre Lemburg (Chair)
- Borja Ayerdi Vilches
- Vicky Twomey-Lee
- Stéphane Wirtel
Finance WG
Manages and organizes the finances and budget of the conference, in particular: budget, controlling, accounting, billing, invoicing, taxes, payment system administration.
- Borja Ayerdi Vilches (Chair, EPS Treasurer)
- Darya Chyzhyk
- Marc-Andre Lemburg
- Anthon van der Neut (EPS Treasurer)
- Stéphane Wirtel
Sponsors WG
Manages and organizes the sponsor activities of the conference, in particular: sponsor contacts, sponsor logistics, room/booth assignment, recruiting session, jobs fair, exhibit hall, startup row.
- Fabio Pilger (Chair)
- Alexandre Manhães Savio
- Borja Ayerdi Vilches
- Ricardo Manhães Savii
- Raúl Cumplido
- Marc-Andre Lemburg
Communications WG
Manages and organizes the public communication and community relations of the conference, in particular: press, community relations, diversity/outreach/CoC, CoC contact, announcements, social media, attendee tools, volunteer coordination, mailing lists, Trello and Loomio groups.
- Marc-Andre Lemburg (Chair)
- Darya Chyzhyk
- Raúl Cumplido
- Alexander Hendorf
- Kerstin Kollmann
- Leire Ozaeta
- Vicky Twomey-Lee
- Chris Ward
- Stéphane Wirtel
Support WG
Manages and organizes the attendee/speaker support of the conference, in particular: helpdesk, attendee support contact, visa help, travel management.
- Ernesto Arbitrio
- Christian Barra
- Anna Bednarska
- Aisha Bello
- Oier Beneitez
- Darya Chyzhyk
- Raúl Cumplido
- Marc-Andre Lemburg
- Anthon van der Neut
- Alexandre Savio
- Stéphane Wirtel
- Alejandro Villamarín
Financial Aid WG
Manages and organizes the financial aid program of the conference, in particular: setup, grant selection, aid organisation.
- Darya Chyzhyk
- Vicky Twomey-Lee
- Manuel Graña Romay
- Stéphane Wirtel
Marketing/Design WG
Create and manage marketing and design aspects of the conference, in particular: brochures, advertisements, banners, flyers, travel guide, t-shirts, lanyards, badges, panels, logo.
- Darya Chyzhyk
- Marc-Andre Lemburg
- Alexandre Savio
- Miren Urteaga Aldalur
Program WG
Manages and organizes the conference program of the conference, in particular: talk selection/voting, scheduling, session chairs, sprint/openspace/keynote/lightning talks/poster session organization.
- Alexandre Savio (Chair)
- Alexander Hendorf (Co-chair)
- Christian Barra
- Raúl Cumplido
- Moshe Goldstein
- Dougal Matthews
- Chris Ward
Web WG
Manages and organizes the web site, in particular: web site support, helpdesk ticket system, administration, backups, payment system integration, hosting.
- Christian Barra (Chair)
- Oier Beneitez
- Patrick Guido
- Marc-Andre Lemburg
- Alexandre Savio
- Stéphane Wirtel
Media WG
Manage and organize the talk and session recordings of the conference, in particular: video recording, live streaming, uploads to YouTube and
- Anthon van der Neut (Chair)
- Luis Javier Salvatierra
Code of Conduct WG
Manage and organize the code of conduct (CoC) workflows, create CoC documents, provide CoC contacts and handle CoC requests.
- Darya Chyzhyk
- Marc-Andre Lemburg
- Anthon van der Neut
- Leire Ozaeta
On-Site Volunteers
In addition to several of the EuroPython Workgroup members, we usually get quite a few attendees helping us as Beginners' Day or DjangoGirls trainers, session manager, room manager, at the registration desk, bag stuffing and during set up and tear down of the conference.
The following people helped on-site with EuroPython 2016:
- Achim Domma
- Agustín Herranz
- Alejandro Villamarin
- Aleksey Kutepov
- Alessandro Amici
- Alexander Hendorf
- Alexandre Saint
- Alexandre Savio
- Andreas Klostermann
- Anjana Vakil
- Ankit Bahuguna
- Anna Bednarska
- Axel Rosen
- Christian Barra
- Christian Trebing
- Conrad Ho
- Danny Engelbarts
- Dougal Matthews
- Eider Sanchez
- Ernesto Rico-Schmidt
- Gilberto Goncalves
- Harald Armin Massa
- Harry Percival
- Helen Sherwood-Taylor
- Helen Williams
- Hugo Suarez
- Izarra Domingo Cansino
- Izaskun Boada Garcia
- Javier Bores
- Jean-Cristophe Leyder
- Juan Luis Cano
- Justyna Janczyszyn
- Justyna Kaluzka
- Ken Hu
- Leire Ozaeta
- Leticia Hernández
- Lorena Mesa
- Maarten
- Mai Gimenez
- Maider Alberich
- Maksim Sorokin
- Mariano Anaya
- Michal Bultrowicz
- Mihai Iachimovschi
- Moshe Goldstein
- Nick Tollervey
- Paola Katherine Pacheco
- Pawel Lewtak
- Peiken Hu
- Peter Hoffmann
- Philipp Konrad
- Rachel Willmer
- Ralph Heinkel
- Raphael Pierzina
- Ricardo Bánffy
- Sathvik Katam
- Sebastian Neubauer
- Stephane Wirtel
- Steven Van den Berghe
- Tiago Montes
- Tom Viner
- Uwe Schmitt
- Victoria Martínez de la Cruz
- Yamila Moreno