EuroPython 2016

What is the best full text search engine for Python?

Speaker(s) Andrii Soldatenko

Nowadays we can see lot’s of benchmarks and performance tests of different web frameworks and Python tools. Regarding to search engines, it’s difficult to find useful information especially benchmarks or comparing between different search engines. It’s difficult to manage what search engine you should select for instance, ElasticSearch, Postgres Full Text Search or may be Sphinx or Whoosh. You face a difficult choice, that’s why I am pleased to share with you my acquired experience and benchmarks and focus on how to compare full text search engines for Python. Slides

in on Thursday 21 July at 10:30 See schedule


  1. Gravatar
    Seems interesting, but the abstract is quite shallow.

    Can you share an insight of the talk, eg:

    - what are you taking into account for your benchmarks;
    - working dataset size;
    - ....

    — Roberto Polli,
  2. Gravatar
    I'm going to use different sizes of datasets based on
    Also the idea of talk compare in which cases lookup faster, or in which cases update index faster. Specifically, for dynamic or static data. Also how to scale or optimize response time from search engine using python3 for example.
    — Andrii Soldatenko,
  3. Gravatar
    And least but not last quality of search using user predefined (tagged) datasets.
    — Andrii Soldatenko,
  4. Gravatar
    Slides you can find
    — Andrii Soldatenko,

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